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Capacity building for community mental health center employees, quality improvement of mental health services for patients with chronic mental disorders, and rigorous training for the promotion of users’ return to society have been put into place, along with training for professional knowledge acquisition.

Current status

Nationwide professional education programs are offered at: 16 metropolitan mental health welfare centers (294 full-time personnel); 241 basic mental health welfare centers (2,636 full-time personnel); 49 integrated addiction management support centers (221 full-time personnel); 349 mental rehabilitation facilities (1,288 full-time personnel); and 59 mental health sanatoriums (1,152 full-time personnel).

Future directions

An education program that meets the needs of employees at mental health welfare centers, mental health sanatoriums, and mental rehabilitation centers will be developed and conducted.

  • Cultivating job competencies by strengthening job training
  • Provision of client-centered, customized training
  • Developing personal capacity to attain values of mental health programs