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너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하

With rapid social changes and development, our society is suffering from psychological confusion and maladaptive social behavior and psychiatric illness.

The Emergency Care Center provides 24-hour psychiatric consultation services to contribute to improving the mental health for people.

Target Patients

  • Psychiatric Patients in need of Emergency Care

    Panic Attacks / Acute Psychosis / Suicide Impulse / Epileptic Seizure / Acute withdrawal due to alcohol and drug abuse / Crisis Management for Accident or Disaster / Crisis Management for Pediatric and Geriatric Psychiatry

    If a guardian brings a patient in person or if a patient visits under protection of a 911 rescue or police officer


  • 1 Reception
  • 2 Consultation
  • 3 Exams and prescription
  • 4 Payment
  • 5 Hospitalization or Return Home after Getting Treatment

A patient can be hospitalized after diagnosis by a doctor or can be switched as an outpatient if he or she is not in need of emergency hospitalization, or a patient can return home after treatment.

Opening Hours and Consultation Fees

Opening Hours
  • Open 24 hours 365 days a Year
Consultation Fees
  • Day Time : Same as ordinary consultation fees
  • Night Time : Night-time surcharges will be imposed.
  • Emergency Care Center photo1
  • Emergency Care Center photo2
  • Emergency Care Center photo3
  • Emergency Care Center photo4
  • Emergency Care Center photo5
  • Emergency Care Center photo6